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3 Reasons Why Hyeonjeong Became Successor to the Throne in the Goryeo-Khitan War drama

King Mokjong (Baek Sung Hyun), who is the seventh successor to the throne of the Goryeo Dynasty, is facing a power coup from his own mother, Queen Heonae (Lee Min Young). King Mokjong during his reign at that time did not have any children. This triggered a power coup because the successor to the royal throne had not yet been officially appointed and inaugurated.

However, King Mokjong and Queen Heonae had differences of opinion regarding this issue. Queen Heonae wants the child resulting from her relationship with Kim Chi Yang (Kong Jung Hwan) to be the next heir to the throne. However, King Mokjong wants King Hyeonjong (Kim Dong Jun) to be his crown prince.

So, what was King Mokjong's reason for making King Hyeonjong his official heir to the throne? Check out the explanation below!

1. The throne of the Goryeo Dynasty must be given to the male child of King Taejo's father's lineage

During his marriage, King Mokjong had no children. This raises the question of who will be the next successor to the throne of the Goryeo Dynasty. Royal heirship is usually passed down to men with the same lineage from the father.

Therefore, the Emperor who leads the Goryeo Dynasty must be in the same family with the same surname as King Taejo. Meanwhile, giving a surname to a child is usually passed down directly through the father's lineage. King Mokjong finally considered King Hyeonjong to fulfill these requirements.

2. King Hyeonjong is a direct descendant of King Taejo on his biological father's side

King Hyeonjong was born from the informal relationship of Prince Wang Uk, Anjong of Goryeo, with his niece, Queen Heonjeong. Prince Wang Uk was one of the sons of King Taejo, founder of the Goryeo Dynasty. Meanwhile, Queen Heonjeong was the wife of King Gyeongjong, the fifth Emperor of Goryeo.

After King Gyeongjong died, Queen Heonjeong had a relationship with Prince Wang Uk. This relationship resulted in her becoming pregnant with Wang Sun, King Hyeonjong. Not long after giving birth, she died so Wang Sun was raised by her older sister, Queen Heonae.

3. King Mokjong prevented the leadership of the Goryeo Dynasty from passing into the hands of another family

As is known, one of the reasons King Mokjong appointed King Hyeongjong as his successor was because of King Taejo's descent. King Mokjong's younger half-brother, whom Queen Heonae wanted to succeed the throne, had a different lineage from the previous emperor. The child is the child of Queen Heonae and Kim Chi Yang's relationship.

So, this child has a different family line from King Mokjong. Apart from that, the child is not a descendant of King Taejo from his father's line. This makes the candidate for heir to the throne that Queen Heonae wants ineligible.

With the various problems above, we can learn the ins and outs of the problems experienced by the royal family of the Goryeo Dynasty. This drama depicts in detail the dilemma experienced by King Mokjong at that time. This detailed description makes this Goryeo-Khitan War drama exciting to wait for the sequel. do not miss

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